In our renewed and continuing efforts at Carolyn Arends 202 to stay on top of and offer a forum for discussion of all news pertaining to Carolyn Arends, I am opening up (a day beforehand, thank you very much) a post to discuss Carolyn's appearance on The Debbie Chavez Show.
OK, we all got the e-newsletter from Rose. (What? You didn't? Make sure you go sign up right now at Carolyn's site. We'll wait for you here.) Carolyn will have a live, streaming interview on The Debbie Chavez Show (based out of Bellingham, WA -- yay!) tomorrow, April 22, 2008, from 12 noon - 12:30 (PST). You can listen to it here. Apparently, they will be taking calls on the air (1-866-597-PATH) and responding to e-mails.
What do you think, fellow 202ers? Do we represent? Or do we give others a chance to get in on the conversation? I'm more inclined to the latter, since I've hassled Carolyn to the point of satiety, and I'm far more curious to hear what other fans have to say.
It does not sound like there will be any music (only 1/2 hour!), or at least not much, which is disappointing. Maybe Ms. Chavez will leave Carolyn a few minutes for one wee song. I'm hoping for the "Resurrection Song."
Well, this should be great! I'm glad, as always, that Carolyn will be getting more exposure. Just think: Someone out there who has never heard of Carolyn Arends will be introduced tomorrow to an artist whose work will enrich his soul -- Wow!
I think I'll only be able to listen, as I'll be at work. And I agree with you to some degree: while I haven't written Carolyn lately, I'm sure I've asked enough questions over time to have fulfilled any quota that might exist.
Let me add, too, that Carolyn's words and music still get to me in differnt ways. And I can't wait until the next album comes out (nudge, nudge).
Woo-hoo! The best information I got from that interview is that Carolyn is about to begin work on her 10th album!
Debbie Chavez did an OK interview, imho. I was surprised to hear her continually refer to Carolyn's upbringing as hum-drum or common place. How could anyone who read her book ever find CA's folks anything other than extraordinary? And Ms. Chavez made it sound like Carolyn once found Christianity boring -- but I've never gotten that impression. Mysterious, frustrating, incomprehensible, enchanting, infuriating, confusing, beguiling, frightening? Yes! Boring? Never. Maybe I need to re-read LTQ/WWA. And, there was a little too much Debbie and not nearly enough Carolyn for my taste -- but, of course, I'm rather partial and prejudiced.
Did anyone hear any comments about or I didn't catch any, and that surprised me. You'd think that there would be directions to finding out more about CA's books and music.
1/2 hour was not nearly enough time, but beggars can't be choosers -- and anyone who goes looking for Carolyn in the various media is far too often a beggar. No songs -- major bummer.
BUT -- Carolyn's ready to start work on her 10th album! That's enough for me to hear!
I listened to the interview, as well. And yes, I agree that Chavez did an "OK" job, but I don't really know her, being from the Chicago area.
It was nice to hear Carolyn's voice "live" again, as she hasn't performed in the Chicago area in a while (and I haven't been able to bring her to my church, much as I want to).
A mention of the web site would have been nice, yes!
Tenth album . . . not soon enough for me!
I didn't get an email :(. I was working anyway so any notification would only resulted in my disappointment. As long as the link stays active for a few days, I'll catch it at my leisure.
Here's a thought..last year Oprah did a show on paying it forward and I kept thinking would that be awesome if Carolyn sang Something to about national exposure. Of course, as her PR committee, Justine and I would both be flown to Chicago where Mark, of course, would join us in the celebration.
(Yeah, some days my mind just goes to wierd places :))
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